블루밍비트- 전문가들이 검증한 코인 뉴스 & 커뮤니티

by 블루밍비트



Korea Economic Daily blockchain reporters verify coin market trends 24 hours a day and deliver them quickly and accurately. Easily read expert perspectives in the news and share related opinions in the community.⊙ Non-stop coin news & outlook 365 days a year - 24 hours a day, a blockchain expert reporter directly selects (PiCK) and delivers only the news that should not be missed among the worlds coin news. - Ai summarizes and delivers only the core of the news in 3 lines.⊙ Vote on topics worth paying attention to in the coin community & market - Check out the topics that should not be missed in the coin market, vote for them, and share your opinions. - Ask questions by quoting the news.⊙ Easily check missed news with notifications - Only the news you need to read will be sent to you as a notification. - Easily communicate with others with notifications about community activities.